Thursday, June 25, 2009

(i) I.P.D - Reflection


Here come the end of my blogging journey at
A to I.P.D.

Throughout the blogging experience, I have learned the importance to apply the theories of Issues in Publication and Design, to produce an effective document that will make communication productive. On another side of note, I have also come to a realization on how powerful, and harmful words & images can bring upon one.

As a blogger, it requires discipline and passion to keep your blog lively and updated. Knowing that your words, and the way you phrase your words, insert images bring about impact, a blogger should be very careful when he/she writes. Especially to be a responsible blogger, to give credit for works that are not yours. Not only that, as blogger, we should know our audience, to be sensitive to the cultural background so that our writing would not be offensive but appealing instead.

Along the journey of blogging, I have learned to applied what I have learn. To upload pictures, keeping my blog capturing, while passing out message more effectively (to emphasize the important points with red and bold font) because the readers rely on picture and words to guide them through their journey of reading your work. (Walsh, 2004)

Case studies and research in this field has made me understand better when Kress & van Leeuwen (2006) stated that 'multimodal text are analyzed in an integrated way'. A plain theory, but very true and important indeed. As I applied the theory on my blog writing, comparing it with the case studies I have done (especially the Makkal Osai's issue), somehow I am truly grateful that I have learned this principals before I launch myself into the world of writing.


Kress, G., & van Leeuwen, T., 2006, Reading images. Chapter 6: The meaning of composition

Walsh, M 2006, 'The textual shift: examining the reading process with print, visual, and multimodal texts', Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29. no. 1, pp. 24-37

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